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All about Le Parc de la Greve Campsite

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Wifi available everywhere in the campsite !

Included for premium and VIP holiday homes, optional on other rentals

To stay connected during your holidays, we offer several packages:
Unlimited Package:
Access 2 days 11,00 €
Access 4 days 17,00 €
Access 1 week 21,00 €
Access 2 weeks 31,00 €
Access 1 month 43,00 €
Access 3 months 76,00 €
Or :
60 minutes 5,00 €
120 minutes 8,00 €
180 minutes 11,00 €
These packages are available at the reception or by Internet on the campsite, other packages are also available.
These formulas include connection for 1 device.
A free 30-minute connection every 6 hours is offered at the bar.

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